Experience in claim handling

In the event of a financial loss, you want to work with a partner equipped to expedite your claim and represent your interest.

That partner is Claims Services, a division of Yantarex Insur Group Inc. Quality and experience; two by-products of this specialized unit providing our clients expedited and professional claims management services.

When it comes to your Cargo insurance claims, we have the know-how to work on your behalf with insurance adjusters to ensure that your claim is settled responsibly and responsively.

We also aggressively handle transportation-related subrogation to recover monies from carriers in an effort to successfully reduce your claims ratios and minimize your losses.

Most of our claims personnel have prior training and technical experience working for insurance companies.

They are proficient with cargo policy clauses; claims adjustments and calculations; claims documents; salvage procedures and survey arrangements.

Our claims personnel undergo a thorough training program to ensure we are providing consistent, quality service to which our clients are accustomed.


Subrogation is one of the most important parts of the claim process.

A successful approach to subrogation can make a big difference to the bottom line – and making subrogation a priority rather than a postscript is important to Yantarex Insur Group Claims Services.

Our dedicated team has developed an effective and efficient recovery process.

Take a look at some recent recoveries.

The subrogation process begins with the identification of potential recovery as soon as a new claim is reported. Once the claim information is received, research and investigation procedures begin.

The recovery team has the expertise to identify third-party liability when applicable and actively pursues at-fault carriers, demanding reimbursement for not only the claim payment but also any deductible incurred by our assureds.

Our comprehensive focus on subrogation is to ensure systematic pursuit of all at-fault carriers; identifying all possible subrogation opportunities in addition to recognizing maximum recoveries.

Attention to detail and unrelenting persistence are our claims service team’s strengths.